250 new trees to be planted in Central Park

Almost 250 new trees are being planted in Westhoughton’s Central Park - and your Liberal Democrat town councillors planted several of them.

Last week, Councillor David Wilkinson, Councillor Ollie Younge and Councillor Gillian Wroe (plus her husband Phil) spent an hour and a half planting about 35 saplings, just around 50cms tall, in Westhoughton Central Park.

Other volunteers also joined in during the planting process.

The aim being to plant around 250 in total on this particular project.

Councillor Gillian Wroe said: “The ground was really muddy which made it messy, hard work but it was very rewarding.”

The project is part of a Bolton at Home collaboration with ‘City of Trees’, a Manchester based charity planning to plant 3 million trees. That’s one for every person in Greater Manchester!


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