Join the Westhoughton Big Spring Clean

Westhoughton town councillors Arthur Price, Alison Jackson and Gillian Wroe taking part in a litter pick

Westhoughton town councillors Arthur Price, Alison Jackson and Gillian Wroe taking part in a litter pick

Westhoughton residents are being encouraged to join the town’s first-ever Big Spring Clean from 17 to 19 March.

The initiative was the idea of Councillor David Wilkinson, who regularly takes part in litter picks with his Liberal Democrat colleagues and local residents.

David said: “Many residents give their time to carry out litter picks. It’s great to see more and more people doing their bit for Westhoughton and our team love being a part of that.

“We’re encouraging everyone from 17 to 19 March to get involved by carrying out a litter pick or cleaning a footpath. We’d love you to share photos with us.”

The idea, which was backed by other Westhoughton town councillors, will culminate in a “thank you” event, where anyone who took part will be invited to have a cup of tea and cake together.

We’ll post updates to the My Westhoughton facebook page.

Tell us you’re taking part and send us your photos, by emailing


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