My Westhoughton

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Winning night for Lib Dems, Alison Jackson and Linda Maher

Newly elected town councillors Alison Jackson and Linda Maher

Voters have elected two local women to be their newest Westhoughton town councillors.

Liberal Democrats Alison Jackson and Linda Maher were voted in by voters to represent the Hoskers and Hart Common and Central wards respectively.

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Voters rejected the Tories after their previous councillor was kicked off the town council for failing to attend meetings.

They also rejected Labour who parachuted in people from other parts of Bolton to campaign at the last minute.

Westhoughton councillor David Wilkinson said: “Alison and Linda were the only people actually talking about the issues people care about. They both absolutely deserved to win.”

Voters were angry that daycare at Winifred Kettle has not been reopened by the Tories. Others were dismayed at a lack of road safety on Westhoughton’s streets.

Ryan Hough

Alison and Linda take the Liberal Democrat town council team to eight.

Lib Dem Ryan Hough narrowly missed winning the White Horse by-election by 31 votes.

It was Ryan’s first time standing for election. He was narrowly defeated by the Tory candidate who has stood for election seven times.

Local dad Ryan said: “I’m really proud of the campaign we ran. We stayed focused on the issues that matter to local residents.

“I’ll continue campaigning as part of the Liberal Democrat team this year.”

Voters who backed third place Labour, or the Green Party and Westhoughton First, helped to elect another Tory councillor. None of those parties are able to win - and only ever elected more Conservatives.