Bowling club blooms with summer floral display

Town mayor Deirdre McGeown presents a cheque to members of the Westhoughton Central Bowling Club

A Westhoughton bowling club has been awarded a grant to bring its Central Park site to life with flowers.

Westhoughton town mayor Councillor Deirdre McGeown presented a cheque for £300 to Westhoughton Central Park Bowling Club before one of their recent matches.

The club's members have already planted the flowers.

Councillor McGeown said: "The flowers are the perfect splash of colour in our popular park this summer. 

"The bowling club is well used by residents and the members take great pride in looking after this excellent facility."

The grant was awarded by Liberal Democrat run Westhoughton Town Council.

Town councillors are keen to award small grants to Westhoughton community organisations to help support their activities.

Any organisation wishing to apply for a grant of up to £500 can go to


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