Huge tree falls onto Westhoughton play area

The tree collapsed onto the play area

A huge tree fell onto the play area in Westhoughton’s Central Park last Friday evening.

Liberal Democrat councillor David Wilkinson received an urgent call for a concerned resident, who had been playing with their toddler in the park.

Joined by fellow councillor Arthur Price, councillor Wilkinson headed to the park to see what had happened. He contacted the out of hours team at Bolton Council and a tree surgeon was on site quickly.

The tree was cut up and removed this week.

Councillor Wilkinson said: “The resident who contacted me told me that it was a scary moment to see the tree suddenly falling over. Luckily nobody was injured.

“We have asked for an inspection of the other trees around the play area to make sure they are all safe.”

The tree was later cut up into pieces and removed


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