Thank you event for Westhoughton litter pickers

Councillors and residents on a recent litter pick

The litter pickers of Westhoughton are being invited to a thank you event by Westhoughton town councillors.

Many residents volunteer their time to carry out litter picks in the town.

Liberal Democrat town councillors will be welcoming litter pickers to a thank you event on Saturday 1 April from 11am to 12.30pm at St Bartholomew’s Church.

Anyone who carries out litter picks is welcome to attend.

Westhoughton town councillor Alison Jackson, who recently took part in the Big Spring Clean with other councillors and residents, said: “Residents are helping to keep Westhoughton tidy through their volunteering. We want to say thank you to everyone who does their bit for our town.”

In one weekend recently, residents and Liberal Democrat councillors collected almost 90 bags of rubbish across three different locations in Westhoughton.


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