In pictures: The shocking state of Central Park

The overgrown pavilion, pictured with councillors Neil Maher, Arthur Price and Linda Maher

Action is “urgently needed” to improve Westhoughton’s Central Park, the town’s councillors have said.

Many residents have highlighted the poor condition and lack of facilities at Central Park, overgrown hedges, weeds on footpaths, burnt out litter bins, tennis courts covered with moss, the play area not being cleaned, the safe surface being in a poor condition, broken play equipment not being repaired and much-needed safety improvements at the car park.

The Liberal Democrat team in Westhoughton is pushing Bolton Council to carry out repairs.

Westhoughton South councillor Neil Maher said: “The council has agreed to do some work but a lot more is urgently needed. The park is looking in a sorry state and that’s such a shame because it has historically been a place of great enjoyment for residents and their families.”

Liberal Democrat run Westhoughton Town Council has requested a meeting with Bolton Council officers to work out what can be done to improve the park for all residents young and old.

Councillor Neil Maher inspects the overgrown paths

Sarita Chohan, Liberal Democrat councillor for White Horse ward and a local mum, said: “This is my local park too and as you walk around you can see there’s a lot of things that need to be done to improve it for our children and also for us as families to be able to walk about.

“It’s been about 12 years since any serious work was done in our park. I think it also needs to be made safer, for example with better lighting, and that’s something that’s been noted by a lot of residents.”

Town councillors will be exploring the possibility of forming a new Friends of Westhoughton Central Park at their next meeting.

Town centre regeneration money could have been spent on improving Central Park, but the last Conservative administration of Bolton Council wasted almost £1 million on new footpaths for Market Street, a decision which was heavily criticised by residents and Liberal Democrat councillors, but one which they proceeded with anyway.

Westhoughton South councillor David Wilkinson said: “The work on the footpaths hasn’t even been completed yet and already we’re seeing the paving stones breaking and others looking messy. It’s a shocking waste of money and it now limits what we could have done in Central Park.”

Councillor Sarita Chohan, who is also a local mum, at the tired and rusty entrance railings

Councillor Arthur Price with the broken fence next to the play equipment

Councillor Arthur Price at a bench covered in graffiti

Councillor Linda Maher at the tired-looking basketball court

Overgrown nettles like this can be found, pictured here with councillors Linda and Neil Maher and Arthur Price

Councillor Linda Maher with a noticeboard that’s out of date and covered in graffiti

The tennis courts are worn out and not looked after, as seen here with councillor Gillian Wroe


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