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Plans submitted to modify A6 Chorley Road layout

The proposed new layout of the A6

Harworth Developers have outlined their plans for modifications to a stretch of the A6 Chorley Road, situated in front of Blue Bell Cottages.

The proposal is aimed at creating a dedicated access point to the Wingates employment scheme, which received approval in 2021. A forthcoming planning application will mark the next step in their plans.

Following a recent drop-in session held on July 20th, Harworth Developers have released a consultation report summarising how they have addressed community feedback. Several key points have been raised in the report:

Parking considerations

Local residents hold differing viewpoints regarding the prospect of allowing parking in front of properties on the proposed new cul-de-sac. Harworth Developers acknowledged these divergent opinions and intend to explore arrangements that balance parking requirements with potential implications for access and neighbourhood ambience. They say that specifics about parking locations and regulations will be established in consultation with Bolton Council subsequent to the application submission.

Traffic flow assessment

Questions have arisen concerning the potential impact of the planned signalised junction on traffic patterns along A6 Chorley Road. Harworth Developers assure that extensive planning has gone into designing the new junction to ensure efficient traffic movement and minimize congestion. This proposed site access junction is intended to collaborate with the existing Wimberry Hill Road signalised junction to mitigate delays on the A6. This adjustment is aimed at improving the traffic situation compared to the previous plans.

Enhancing access and capacity

The new proposal outlines two coordinated accesses, catering to both the proposed development and the existing Wingates Industrial Park. This dual-access approach replaces the previously planned single access, allowing for a greater number of vehicles to enter and exit the sites within the same timeframe. This capacity increase is expected to alleviate delays along the A6 approaches, say the developers. Detailed junction modelling and off-site highway improvements underpin the traffic management strategy.

Views and screening

The impact on visual aesthetics from Bluebell Cottages has prompted concerns. Harworth Developers have undertaken an updated landscape and visual assessment to better understand the implications of the revised scheme. The altered plan seeks to mitigate the impact on nearby residences, while ensuring that buildings along A6 Chorley Road adhere to height restrictions. The scheme aims to retain existing hedgerows and trees while incorporating strategic planting to improve long-term screening. This approach is anticipated to result in a lesser loss of trees compared to the prior proposal.

Pedestrian and cycling considerations

The feasibility of accommodating an additional crossing near the ATS Garage has been evaluated, with the conclusion that it is unfeasible due to existing accesses and bus stops. The A6 realignment, however, does incorporate a new pedestrian refuge crossing point, aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety. Internal pedestrian and cycle connections, as well as Public Rights of Ways (PRoWs), will be a focus of a detailed planning application.

What happens next?

Upon validation by Bolton Council, the planning application documents will be accessible on the council's website. Community members will have the opportunity to share their perspectives during the council’s consultation on the plans. A decision on the application is anticipated to be reached by the council in the coming months, following a comprehensive review and consideration of the feedback received from residents.

The developers argue that the proposed changes hold the potential to enhance access to the Wingates industrial estates while addressing concerns expressed by residents.

Westhoughton North councillor Arthur Price said: “The community’s engagement in the planning application will play a vital role in shaping the eventual outcome of this development, so I would encourage everyone to share their views once the plans become available.”