1,000 sign ‘save our town hall’ petition

Voters have just weeks to stop the Tories wrecking Westhoughton Town Hall.

Tory councillors in Bolton approved a plan to replace the red-brick facade of the 120-year old town hall with a glass front. They also limited how much space will be for the community, despite calls for more space.

More than 1,000 residents have backed a Liberal Democrat petition against the plans.

Booting the Tories out of Westhoughton is the only way to stop their plans for wrecking Westhoughton Town Hall.

A bruising set of election results on Thursday 4 May could prompt Tory council bosses to think twice about the plan to change the red-brick facade and limit community use of the historic building.

Only your local, committed Liberal Democrat team can stop the Tories in this election. A vote for Labour or any other party will only help to re-elect the Tories for 4 more years.

Westhoughton South councillor David Wilkinson said: “The Liberal Democrats believe that more of the town hall should be opened up for community use. Our town is getting bigger, not smaller, and people and groups need a space to meet.

“Many people are angry that the plan also includes replacing the red-brick facade with glass. We are very worried that they will do lasting and irreversible damage to what is one of Westhoughton’s most iconic buildings.”

Lib Dem councillor Deirdre McGeown said: “If you haven’t already signed our petition, please do so. And we really need your support in this year’s local elections, whether you’ve voted Liberal Democrat previously or not.”


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